Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports
ISSN 2454 -7174
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | Sep – Dec 2017
Table of Contents
Art of Writing a Case Report: Demystified!
Pallavi Lande-Marghade
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
doi-10.13107/jaccr.2017.v03i03.063 |
Guest Editorial
My transition into palliative medicine…from treating to healing
Abhijit Dam
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
New Updates in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guidelines
Khusrav Bajan
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Case Reports
Emergency Caesarean Section in a Patient with Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Andrew Craig Leatherbarrow, Laura Alice Beard
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
A Novel Approach To Ilioinguinal (Iin) And Iliohypogastric (Ih) Nerve Block Using Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (Pns) For Hernia Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study In 100 Patients
Shiv Kumar Singh, Surajit Giri
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Anaesthesia Management of the Parturient with Protein S & C Deficiency for Cesarean section
Amarjeet Patil, Jessy Sabu, Olvyna D’Souza
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Successful management of a patient with moderate pulmonary hypertension with severe tricuspid regurgitation for open reduction and internal fixation acetabulum
Pooja Chopra, Jude Stephen
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Perioperative Anesthesia Management of Liver Transplantation in a case with very severe hyponatremia – A Case Report
Atish Pal, Chitra Chatterji, Subhash Gupta, Dileep Singh Rana
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Technical Note
Perioperative ultrasonographic evaluation of the vocal cord: An underutilized tool
Surjya Prasad Upadhyay
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Guided Serratus Anterior plane block: a novel approach to the chest wall block
Ritesh Roy, Shiv Kumar Singh, Gaurav Agarwal, Chandrasekhar Pradhan.
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Short Communication
How safe are the safety mechanisms?
Poonam S Ghodki, Kedar Bangal
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Letter to Editor
Anesthesiologist as a perioperative physician
Dr. Balavenkatasubramanian
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Reviewers Acknowledgement
A sincere expression of appreciation to our reviewers….
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
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