Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports
ISSN 2454 -7174
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan – Apr 2017
Table of Contents
Tackling Stress in Anesthesia Practice – Personal Experience and Insights
Dr Pallavi Lande-Marghade
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
doi-10.13107/jaccr.2017.v03i01.040 |
Guest Editorials
Soft Skills For successful Anaesthesia Practice
Dr Poonam Ghodki
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Case Reports
Hydrogen peroxide causing embolism in perianal surgery
Dr Y Bhatt, Dr Girija Yadav, Dr Smitha Rao
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Acute Cardiac Herniation – A Rare Complication of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation
Dr Patrick Thomas Thorburn, Dr Jonathan Hyde, Dr Siobhan Dallibar, Dr Nigel Marchbank, Dr Nevil Hutchinson, Dr Soraya Conroy, Dr Michael Lewis
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Ketamine to facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation: a case report
Dr Michelle L Malnoske, Dr Caroline M Quill
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Failed intubation in a neonate posted for emergency thoracotomy. A case report
Dr Priyanka Rathi, Dr Arati Ghorpade
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
How good is a simple blood test – Prolactin in non-epileptic seizures?
Dr Olivia Watson, Dr Jia ( Jenny) Liu, Nevin Kollannoor Chinnan
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Ventilating Bougie Guided Flexo-metalic Tube Intubation With Airtraq- Not A Technique Of Choice?
Dr Sunil Chapane, Sweta Salgaonkar, Salman Tadvi
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
Letter to Editor
Trapped Epidural Catheter-a rare Anesthetic Dilemma – Letter to Editor
Dr K Raghavendran
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Full text PDF)
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