Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports
ISSN 2454 -7174
Volume 9 | Issue 3 | September-December 2023
Table of Content
Cover Page
Editorial Board
Table of Content
Pallavi Lande-Marghade
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Case Reports
Low Dose Combined Spinal-Epidural (CSE) Anaesthesia with Blocks for Management of A High-Risk Geriatric Patient with Dilated Cardiomyopathy Posted for TURBT
Vivek Sharma, Hiteshi Aggarwal, Vivek Prakash, Pallavi Ahluwalia
(Full Text HTML) (Full text PDF) 02-05
Posterior Spinal Hemi- Anaesthesia for Tendon Transfer in Patient with Foot Drop- Case Report
Geetanjali Singhal, S P Sharma, Satyabrata Mohanty
(Full Text HTML) (Full text PDF) 06-08
Intra-Operative Supplementary Motor Area Aphosia During Awake Craniotomy a Case Report
Amruta M Kulkarni, Vijay L Shetty, Gurneet Singh Sawhney
(Full Text HTML) (Full text PDF) 09-11
Perioperative Analgesia for Forequarter Amputation in a Morbidly Obese Patient: Dual ESP Block Catheters Plus Interscalene Block
Husien Taleb, Stefan Trela, Mohamad Ayoub
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A Case of Cardiac Arrest During Parotidectomy Surgery
Vaibhavi Baxi, Ravisha Parikh
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Sonographic Resolution of B-Lines after Diuresis in a Pregnant Patient with Preeclampsia Associated Pulmonary Edema
Mohamad Ibrahim Ayoub, Cesar Padilla, Justo Gonzalez, Husien Taleb, Elie Geara, Adeeb Oweidat
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Short Communication
Post COVID Thrombotic Sequelae: Once Bitten, Twice Shy!
Cherian Roy, Rohit Kumar Patnaik, Samir Samal, Shakti Bedanta Mishra, Nupur Karan
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